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The Isle of Rolling Hills

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 11:09 pm
by terryrayc
The isle of the Halflings (called Rolling Hill lands by the inhibitants) is one of the youngest islands that we know of. It was discovered by the first Halfling around 100 years ago. They think that the island itself is around 150 years old.

The isle of the Halflings is mostly inhabited by farmers. They start moving to this Isle 100 years ago, because of the quality of the land. The ground was most suitable for farming and animal husbandery.

The land that was at first damp and humid, but because of the farming it became slowly dryer. At this moment people can find places with natural irrigation and places suitable for farming. The Island was at first a bit smaller.

But because of the growing interest in farming (and number growing of Halflings) people started reclaim some of the lands from underneath the sea.

Looking at the landscape much of the ground is not suitable for arable farming. The rolling hills that this country is rich in, are used to keep animals on.

There are no large cities on this land. The Halflings enjoy their peace and their space. Large farmsteads can be found and belong to several known families. There are a few hundred Halflings that live there.

Halflings are attracted to this place because of the peace, the amount of people and the use of this land. No strange folks and not much of excitement to disturb their farmer life. Like they always say: "There ain't no place like home"