What will you spend tokens on?

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What will you spend tokens on?

Post by Zombie » Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:26 am

OK, I admit it. I love loot. I love finding new loot. I love being rewarded with interesting loot. I love dishing it out. I love talking about it. The recent post about the token reward system on hold got me wondering about what I would like for my characters. So here is my list, whats yours?

Gal is easy. I want to make a belt that is equivalent to battle bands so that she can wear some bracers that add spell slots she will probably never use all because I like the feel of the bracers! Skalad bracers people! A warrior poet, that’s Gal.
Also some sort of custom scripted item that lets her poison her weapons.
And finally a Greatsword for smacking undead. I have something very specific in mind with a custom description that does something so vile it would make Thessela cry. Probably something to save Hala tokens for but would be wonderful for a certain NPC she wants to do over. Ask me some time and if im in an evil mood I’ll talk about it and giggle.

Another easy one, but so many ideas im not sure what to choose. I have 3 main ideas which are “Malik’s Mummy Wrapped Fiend Forged Redgate Bastardsword of the Fey Crystal” What the hell is that you say? Merging a Mummyblade (low DC rot on hit) and Mummy Wrappings (dr 10 positive) with his existing sword. Oh the giggle I would have.
Im also thinking about making his fancy amulet more useful, but it is a very special item for me as the description has guided his RP since he got it so it’s a BIG DEAL for me to mess with it. However I love it and currently he gains nothing from wearing it, apart from being super cool and it would be nice to make it more useable again. Somethign for Hala though I think.
Every wizard needs a staff and Malik is no exception. I think a Victor bone staff would do. And finally some sort of creepy cloak, like a flayed vampire or something. Im sure a flensing spell would work to acquire the materials….

2 things. Upgrade her off hand kama so it ‘balances’ her on hand one (something that pisses her off IC). And merge a DR ring that Tira gave her into her robes to increase their DR. Yes, I have a thing for using one item in the story of how another get upgraded.

Sigh, such boring desires for Bel. More AC on her armor and shield. I know right? Everything else has this big story behind it. Perhaps that’s why I haven’t player her in a while. Extending my imagination a bit, something on her armor or shield so that if they hit her Orlyn gives them a godly bitch slap for hurting his prety little paladin. Oh now I want to earn tokens!

Ages ago my little goblin was offered Shadow Dancer PRC, which I refused for 2 reasons 1: it came out of the blue with no RP so I decided the DM was just a dick and 2: It would make grovel actually useful in a fight. However it would be cool to have that nasty little stabber have HIPS on an item. Oh the taunting there would be as he hurls Grovel Bombs and then disappears. Also, adding poison immunity to an item so that he can make best use of his Grovel Bombs. Oooo! And while im at it an item that gives unlimited Grovel Bombs per day! Don’t know what a Grovel Bomb is? Ask Grovel in game! Not that I have played him in ages…. Perhaps one last Grovel story with him becoming Mayor of Nuvar or taking control of the Goblin Isle on Iron! Lets petition the team and make it happen :D
Upgrade his heavy crossbow to have rapid reload. He just looks cooler with a crossbow. Hells, and why not Grovel Bomb on hit too.

I just noticed something….. My villains have the longest sections. I’m a bad person.
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Re: What will you spend tokens on?

Post by 3DWarrior » Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:01 am

Every wizard needs a staff and Malik is no exception. I think a Victor bone staff would do.
Wait, what? I thought Malik and Victor were friends. :|

I've only one real character, Adonis Silvermane AKA 'Victor,' and I have to say I haven't put nearly as much thought into this as Zombie has. It'd probably end up being some naughty article of clothing or shiny trinket for a certain pair of wings, or, if I really felt ambitious, a once-per-day spell item(Likely a book or wand) as part of Victor's many research projects.

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Re: What will you spend tokens on?

Post by Tel » Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:07 am

I love the idea of the token system... I'm almost always concerned that whatever I decide to spend them on is not something which will provide any "power gaming" benefit, and even otherwise is something I might feel as though I didn't get my token's worth. I consider something a "Great" item if it allows me to do something I couldn't do without it, or would be much more difficult without it. So after a while those items are very hard to define/find. Some "generic" things....

Trinket: Stone to Flesh (1/day)
Gloves: Bonus Feat, Exotic Weapon Proficiency
Vampiric Regeneration +X

stuff that might not be possible:
Bonus Clerical Domain
Favored Enemy / Bane of Enemies
on-hit Daze / Stun

As far as single special things, I haven't had that kind of forethought! I know there are a few specific things I'm looking for with Teleniel but I don't ever consider them things I will get/find/use-tokens for.
Last edited by Tel on Tue Feb 19, 2013 11:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What will you spend tokens on?

Post by Akai » Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:38 am

I actually have 2 requests already in, but they're both kind of boring...

1. Adding unlimited regular ammo to one of the Master shortbows that Aericonte makes. (That'd actually be less powerful than using ammo that she makes, but I'd have to carry fewer quivers, and spend less time reloading... and I like to think that with her skills in arcane archery and bowyery, it's an enchantment that she could actually craft IC :)

2. Changing the Parry skill bonus on her cloak to some skill actually unbroken and useful.

If I still have tokens left over after those, no doubt I'll think of something else..;)

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Re: What will you spend tokens on?

Post by Kali » Tue Feb 19, 2013 7:58 am

ooo if you can get unlimited ammo and a damage bonus like magic of sonic you could have a bow like hank from the d&d cartoon! That would be some sweet emotes!

As she lines the bow up and draws back on a seemingly invisible string, a glowing shaft of light appears between her fingers. She releases the string and the shaft of light streaks through the air, embedding itself into Andrews chest. He looks down and says "where the fek did that come from?"

Getting skills swapped round is always a winner. Im wondering if i should get the UMD swapped on Belinde's boots or just be a dick and take a level in rogue.

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Re: What will you spend tokens on?

Post by Vashalgrim » Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:44 pm

For Carar I plan on checking about combining the power of two belts. After that I have been thinking about looking into changing some of his charge/use items into uses/day items. Maybe see how many tokens it will take to get Carar a better personality :D

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Re: What will you spend tokens on?

Post by Brayon » Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:15 pm

Vashalgrim wrote:For Carar I plan on checking about combining the power of two belts. After that I have been thinking about looking into changing some of his charge/use items into uses/day items. Maybe see how many tokens it will take to get Carar a better personality :D
5 Tokens for a new personality.

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Re: What will you spend tokens on?

Post by Zandel2 » Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:22 pm

Vashalgrim wrote:For Carar I plan on checking about combining the power of two belts. After that I have been thinking about looking into changing some of his charge/use items into uses/day items. Maybe see how many tokens it will take to get Carar a better personality :D
1 token, but I get to pick who's personality he gets.

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Re: What will you spend tokens on?

Post by silverdragon » Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:20 pm

I can't think of anything to ask for which Sara would like more than silly tokens. Its probably why they froze the system. :( She's hoarding the unicorns (and the wemic cookies and the love potions....)

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Re: What will you spend tokens on?

Post by Loki70 » Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:37 pm

Hats...with feathers and wide brims...just to irritate. It's like Ben's only purpose of being.

Belor, he'd probably fork over many tokens just for his equipment to go on a weight loss program. His normal gear nearly maxes him out.

Aldo is just too broken for any token item to fix. Unless we could go back and remove a PrC, that is...

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