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Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:02 am
by Blackravenfeather
You know who you are and what you did! Amazing all around, I thought we were all screwed.


Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:04 am
by luminance
Seconding this post SO HARD. I wanted to post a rave and didn't know how to even PRETEND to word it. WTF today. That was amazing and horrible. <3 <3 <3


Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:13 am
by VCaparzo
Think I can add my own approval to this Rave. You guys had me shaking like crazy last night in fear of what was to come. Seems to have all worked out aside from a few broken personalities now :shock:. Can't even BEGIN to tell you all how awesome you are!


Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:45 am
by 3DWarrior
I won't bother with grandiose adjectives or long descriptions. I'll simply say this: my Pc has changed, and this is due to the efforts-and was only made possible-by the other players I was interacting with.


Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:46 pm
by makelovelikewar
Wow... :shock:

*sends a wave of alts off to find out what happened*


Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 4:16 pm
by ambrosia
The main plot may be "over"... but there are still mysteries to solve for those of you curious enough to continue to work on them. :wink: :twisted: :mrgreen:

That said...

MAD MAD RAVES to each of YOU and all of YOUR amazing efforts, time, and roleplay!! You who were both participants of our plot AND WRITERS since the fateful start date of September 7, 2009!!!!

Varm/Gray and I had an AWESOME time with each and every one of you. The ideas you all came up with, your reactions, your interactions, time, effort, energy, and investment in the story made it come alive and live and breathe in this little world we call Arkaz. Each and Everyone of you deserve a STANDING OVATION for your ingenuity and dedication. We can't tell you how many times the plot changed direction and possible outcomes due to each of your efforts.. because the story was as dynamic as your investment in it. (p.s. it is always dangerous to list names. I promise: If I missed you, it was not at all intentional! Please PM me if I did and I will be elated to add you to this list)

Thank you ever so much for bringing Gray's story to life!!!

Thank you too, Gray! For your delicious story and for letting me join in its telling. I had a TON of fun being your assistant DM and I learned a TON! :mrgreen:

Andristie Meyer (NPC)
Callie (Callandra)
Miranda (Andy)

..and for joining in with us at various times, honorable mentions also to:

Edition by Gray.
Please start considering your rewards and sending me you wants dreams and desires. It will be a bit as we tally everything, but you can put in your ideas now.
Best Regards, Gray


Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:12 pm
by ambrosia
Sometimes, the funniest and most endearing moments happen in game because of a DM event and not part of the "planned" event itself (which was a lot of fun too!) Last night was no exception! I was laughing SO hard at my desk last night with everyone's reactions; I just had to share! :lol: :lol: :lol:

the scene/setting wrote: Braellis : You are all knocked prone from the force of the wave, and you can feel magic permeating down to your very soul
Adonis Silvermane: Rrrrrrr!
Ronan Ceril: *takes a very deep gasp at the sudden rush of energy*
Tira M'Le'Yeritath: Oh!
Miranda Rose: *forgets to breathe*
Zachary Jor'dre: *is blissfully unaware*
Nyx (ambrosia) .. had been standing behind Zach when everyone passed out, ensuring he was on top of her and she was in the shallow fountain/stream right behind the two of -them- when everyone fell over....
the aftermath wrote: Braellis : Several long moments pass before the feeling leaves you
Ambrosia Nightstar: *finds out just how dense a dragon-blood soul really is*
Adonis Silvermane: Infernal. *Struggles, attempting to stand.*
Tira M'Le'Yeritath: *shudders a bit*
Miranda Rose: *manages to roll onto her stomach*
Charles the Scholar: Well
Charles the Scholar: I....I think it might have worked.
Casey Den'eve: *as soon as he is able, climbs to his feet to restart his scouting*
Ambrosia Nightstar: *heaves up and down a few times on Zach's heavy shoulders* get off me .. you....
Tira M'Le'Yeritath: *weakly* gods I could use a pipe full of mellow right now.
Ronan Ceril: Mmm....*stirs slightly, as if waking from a deep sleep...stretches and looks pleased*
Tara Canfield: did we do it?
Braellis : The city is silent. No longer can you hear the anguished cries of the burning death victims
Miranda Rose: *pushes herself to sitting, rubbing her left arm*
Ambrosia Nightstar: *struggles an arm free and peels off her helm*
Zachary Jor'dre: *is very out*
Tara Canfield: *leans on the staff*
Ronan Ceril: *sits up slowly, rubbing the back of his neck. Is smiling
Adonis Silvermane: *Slowly turns, surveying.*
Miranda Rose: *finally remembers* Zach!
Ambrosia Nightstar: Andy! get your boyfriend off of me, bloody hells.. *sputtering in the water*
Ranie Blake: Did...
Ranie Blake: Did it work?
Miranda Rose: God! Zach!
Miranda Rose: *tries to pull him up*
Tira M'Le'Yeritath: *gives a rather sated sigh* wow.. If I could bottle that I might never get out of bed. *purrs*
Miranda Rose: Strength Check, Roll 1d20: 19 + Modifier: 3 = Total: 22
Ronan Ceril: *runs his fingers through his hair, then turns to look at Ranie*
Ronan Ceril: Mm? Oh...
Tira M'Le'Yeritath: *doesn't seem in any hurry to move*
Charles the Scholar: I believe it is safe for your guard to retake the city Commander.
Charles the Scholar: And I shall take my leave...
Miranda Rose: Thanks, Charles.
Miranda Rose: Zach!
Ambrosia Nightstar: If I drown right here. Stab Zach.
Ranie Blake: The day is won, the city is ours. *smiles*
Ambrosia Nightstar: *muttering about ungreatful no good such and such dragons*
Miranda Rose: *tries to shake Zach awake*
Adonis Silvermane: ... Rrrrrrrrrr.
Miranda Rose: He's too heavy.
Ronan Ceril: So it is. *stands up slowly, a bit shakily, still smiling*
Tira M'Le'Yeritath: *struggles to her feet*
Adonis Silvermane: *Leans down, grasps Zach by his ankles, and ~yanks!~*
Adonis Silvermane: Strength Check, Roll 1d20: 1 + Modifier: 13 = Total: 14
Miranda Rose: *shrieks*
Braellis : I should note that you mages feel like you've just run a fifty mile marathon
Miranda Rose: //Andy got a 22, hah!
Adonis Silvermane: *Mutters, finding the effort too much, and gives up.*
Ronan Ceril: *leans on his staff, eyes half-shut*
Miranda Rose: *tries to roll Zach towards her, off of Nyx*
Tira M'Le'Yeritath: mmm just gonna sit here fer a while okies?
Miranda Rose: Help me push him.
Ambrosia Nightstar: *heaves with Andy*
Ranie Blake: I...I will go collect the guard from the port and see who we can help.
Ranie Blake: Thank you Nuvarians, Arvia is in your debt.
Tira M'Le'Yeritath: *nods weakly*
Casey Den'eve: *takes a note of that*
Ambrosia Nightstar: *tries that again*
Adonis Silvermane: Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Ronan Ceril: Oh...*finally notices Zach* Can someone move him?
Miranda Rose: *pulls Zach towards her*
Ambrosia Nightstar: we're trying, bloody hells..
Ronan Ceril: Casey?
Zachary Jor'dre: *he isn't light*
Tira M'Le'Yeritath: I can't move ~me~ right now.
Casey Den'eve: *nods, pops a potion*
Casey Den'eve uses Potion of Bull's Strength
Ambrosia Nightstar: maybe if all -three- of you gentlemen would pitch in...
Ambrosia Nightstar: *irritated.. and quite wet....*
Ronan Ceril: *sits down on the fountain ledge, smiling*
Casey Den'eve: Strength Check, Roll 1d20: 5 + Modifier: 3 = Total: 8
Miranda Rose: goddamn Zach... how the hell much do you weigh??
Tira M'Le'Yeritath: ow.. don't make me laugh.. it hurts.
Adonis Silvermane: ... This is just ...
Ambrosia Nightstar: you all are wimps
Tara Canfield: Strength Check, Roll 1d20: 14 + Modifier: 4 = Total: 18
Miranda Rose: Strength Check, Roll 1d20: 18 + Modifier: 3 = Total: 21
Ambrosia Nightstar: // cant roll, has a 26 str atm
Adonis Silvermane: ... just ... Rrrrrrrrr.
Ambrosia Nightstar: alright ladies...
Casey Den'eve: *is well aware*
Ambrosia Nightstar: *pushes with Tara and Andy*
Adonis Silvermane: Infernal. *Limps back over.*
Miranda Rose: *pulling him into ~her~ lap*
Casey Den'eve: *just gets out of the way*
Adonis Silvermane: *Leans down with his upper-torso, and weakly heaves.*
Zachary Jor'dre: *rolls limply into/onto Andy's lap*
Miranda Rose: Oof.
Miranda Rose: There.
Adonis Silvermane: *Extends a meaty handy to Nyx.*
Ambrosia Nightstar: *crawls backwards into the water, then stands up, dripping*
Miranda Rose: *taps Zach's face*
Adonis Silvermane: *Grunts.*
Miranda Rose: Zach, wake up!
Ronan Ceril: Thank you all....
Miranda Rose: Thank you, sir.
Ambrosia Nightstar: you're welcome. I'm glad you were so -boundlessly- entertained.


Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:50 pm
by Tremayne7
I was laughing so hard as well. Thanks for sharing that. :mrgreen:

Poor dearest Zach. Sometimes he surprises me.