by ambrosia » Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:08 pm
Please also keep in mind this includes a clause not to overly argue/complain during an event. If you have something of a more OOC concern/disagreement, please ask the DM to let you know when they can talk. Everyone on the team is willing to talk to you and hear what you have to say, but most of the time, there is a lot going on during an event that makes it very hard to -also- get into a long conversation with you. (to be clear, I am not referring to 'normal' questions, comments, and interactions) Basically, as much as possible, please allow a DM to talk with you -after- an event is over or when they say they can focus on your conversation. This is also respectful to your fellow players, as when you cause a DM to focus on you instead of the story, everyone looses out.
Also, if you are OOCly mad/angry/frustrated and need to bow out to calm down, please do so as graciously as possible. Ensuring everyone around you knows you are miserable before you /quit, really dampens everyone else's mood and makes your friends miserable. You can always come back and talk things out when you feel you can do so in a mature manner and with more appropriate timing.
And Lastly, if a DM decides to change plans in a plot due to whatever reason, please do not argue with them that they shouldn't change things with statements such as "you're doing this because of me, aren't you?" or any other sort of disparaging comments. It is a DM's prerogative to change a plot, end early, or go a different direction and they should not be put in a position to justify that change to you OOCly.
Remember, how you perceive something may only be one way to look at a situation. There are often other details you are not aware of which might change your perception/feelings when approached in a mutually respectful conversation. Good timing and attitudes are a big part of that respect.
- DM Avani - (retired)