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Arkaz policy on logged to avoid...anything

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 6:10 pm
by terryrayc
This shouldn't need to be posted but I'll put it here anyway:

1) Logging to reset spells = VJ
2) Logging to wait for hard spawns to despawn over and over = VJ
3) Logging to avoid IC results to your actions = VJ
4) Logging because a DM is dressing you down = BAN

Now when I say Vault Jail, that depends on your history, you might skip the VJ and go right to Ban.

If a DM catches you logging off and on to get around hard spawns because the area you are camping sometimes hits back you will be jailed from a week to a month.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:26 pm
by Alphonse
Logging from combat against NPC monsters is a bad thing.

Logging from combat against DM monsters is a bad thing.

Logging from the consequences of your IC actions is a bad thing.

Bad things make DMs upset.

Don't do it