Character creation and origin:
1. If your character's back-story lists a specific world as their birthworld, your character must be created on that world and in accordance to that world's rules and guidelines.
Example: If you are creating an elf to play on Arkaz but want it to have a background of having grown up in Hala's White Woods, then you would have to generate the character on Hala and in accordance to Hala's rules. The character can then move to Arkaz, but in order for it to have the White Woods in its back-story, it must be created on Hala.
Note: The starting gate dialogue for Arkaz refers to the character being pulled from the sea. This can be used as a way for the character to have an offworld origin without being generated offworld. However, this does NOT mean you can bypass needing to generate your character on the world of origin if the world is an existing (or former) CoPaP world. In short, if you want your character to have been born on any named world, your character has to be created there and appropriate time spent per that world's rules.
2. Players must be aware of the rules of their world of origin. If an error is found, the Arkaz Team reserves the right to take whatever steps necessary to correct the issue.
3. Worlds' lore, PrCs, and races: Be aware, be legal.
Most problems are found with the Dragon Disciple PrC or specialized races like Drow. For example, Avlis' Lore clearly states that no Avlis dragon breeds outside of its species. This means that no character with Avlis as their birthworld can be a Dragon Disciple. NONE. This is even more important since DDs need to be approved prior to character creation; an Avlis-born character would never receive this permission from the Avlis Team. Also, Hala has stringent rules on how Drow must be RPd, including the process of playing a "good" Drow. This should not be circumvented by going off world.
Errors can occur by both players and Teams alike. If an Arkaz-generated character has an origin story that puts them offworld, the Team reserves the right to request the origin be corrected. If an off-world generated character receives a PrC that is impossible/illegal for their world of origin, the Team reserves the right to revoke the PrC entirely.
Example 1: John submits to the Arkaz Team the desire for an RDD. It is approved and he creates the character on Arkaz. Unfortunately, both Team and player made the error of allowing him an Avlis origin as part of his back-story. Once this is recognized, John will be asked to correct his origin story. (In the case of an Arkaz-generated PC, correcting the back-story is most appropriate.) John corrects the origin so his RDD comes from some mysterious, unknown world. (This is NOT any CoPaP world). Problem resolved.
Example 2: John creates a character on Avlis and moves it to Arkaz where he receives RDD. The errors are found. John's already created character should not have been granted RDD. Also, the character was created on Avlis which doesn't allow RDD so this approval wasn't granted prior to character creation. The character is illegal and the DD must be revoked or the character deleted.
Example 3: John creates a Drow on Hala and wishes to play a good aligned one. He also wishes to play it on Arkaz. Although not technically illegal, it is best for everyone if both Worlds' Teams and player can reach an understanding regarding how John's Drow can fulfill Hala's RP requirements while living on Arkaz.
Note: No one is trying to ruin anyone's fun. The above rules and examples are to clarify things so errors are not introduced. This reduces stress between players and CoPaP Teams. If anything, it is to protect players from accidentally playing illegal characters and being punished for it.
Potential repercussions of playing an illegal character:
1. Being forced to alter the PC to bring it into legal guidelines, often accompanied by other penalties such as Vault Jail.
2. Having your character deleted. (This is very likely accompanied by #3.)
3. The player is banned.
Instructions for requesting PRCs can be found here:
Arkaz Policy on Races, Backgrounds, and PrC's
Moderators: Dungeon Masters, Hala DM
- terror2001
- The One
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- Joined: Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:00 am
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- terror2001
- The One
- Posts: 3809
- Joined: Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:00 am
- Location: GMT -7(-6)