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Arkaz Policy on Remorts

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 4:51 pm
by terror2001
Fairly similar to the Avlis Remort system with a few modifications.

Level 15 to 20 Character
Completely unrelated New PC

The current PC will be permanently retired, with no possibility of playing it ever again. The player will create and submit a backstory to the Team for approval, and then create a completely new PC. Players will have one of the following options available to them:
A. Item/Gold transfer to Guilds. 1 Item limit and up to 25% or 100,000 gold, whichever is less.
B. No Property transfer to new PC. All property is auctioned off by the PC, and added to their gold or item total, or becomes an NPC home.
C. New PC starts with 25% or 100,000 gold, whichever is less.
D. New PC starts with 1 nice Standard item. Power of item is limited to the strength of the best item not given away by the PC.
E. Retired PC becomes NPC.
F. New PC gets 1 bonus level.
Level 21 to 40 Character
Option 1: New Heir PC

The current Character will be permanently retired, with no possibility of playing it ever again. The player will create and submit a backstory to the Team for approval, and then be allowed to create the Character's Sole Heir. Players choosing this will have one of the following options available to them for inheritance:
A. Limited items transfered to Guilds, maximum of 5 items and 25% of gold up to 2,000,000 gp.
B. 1 Primary Property transfer Only. Merchant and secondary property is sold / auctioned off by the PC, and gold or items are added to their total. Alternatively, non-merchant property can become NPC housing.
C. 2 of the following:
1. Gold transfer to heir PC; 25% up to 2,000,000 gp, whichever is less.
2. Item transfer to heir PC; Up to 3 items.
3. Gold is reduced to max 500,000 gp and Epic becomes NPC
Option 2: Completely unrelated New PC

The current Epic will be permanently retired, with no possibility of playing it ever again. The player will create and submit a backstory to the Team for approval, and then create a completely new PC. Players choosing this will have one of the following options available to them:
A. Significant Item/Gold transfer to Guilds. No Item limit and up to 25% or 2 million gold, whichever is less.
B. No Property transfer to new PC. All property is auctioned off by the Epic, and added to their gold or item total, or becomes an NPC home.
C. New PC starts with 25% or 2 million gold, whichever is less.
D. New PC starts with 3 nice items. 2 of which can be Custom Items with background describing how they got it. Power of items is limited to the strength of the 3 best items not given away by the Epic PC.
E. Retired Epic becomes NPC.
F. New PC has appearance changed to model of a nonstandard custom race, subject to approval from the Team.
G. New PC gets 2 bonus levels.
Terms and Conditions:
1. No gear with Banned properties can be transfered to anyone.

2. No standard items that are undroppable may be transfered. Custom items that have been marked NoDrop can be.

3. For Option #1, no items can be sold, traded or given before or during the application process. Once the "give" list is approved, only those items are allowed to transfer hands.

4. No items given away to guilds must ever knowingly make it into the hands of the new PC. It is the responsibility of the PC and the entire Guild to ensure this. If this ever occurs the All of the Gold and items donated will be taken away from the guild. Just for example, each item donated can be kept on a post from the PC that donated it, with a warning of what Player may never use them. Alternatively, the item name can be changed to include the donating Player's name: "Flaming Short Sword (donated by Jazz)".

5. Property jointly owned will become the sole property of the remaining PCs. If at some point an heir would like to purchase ownership to the property, that is acceptable, but any changes count as an update to the property, and must go through the player housing system.

6. All items will be deleted from containers after the Character is retired, and before an heir is allowed in game.

If there is any evidence that a PC has traded, given, or sold items prior to or during submitting the application outside of the rules and knowledge of the team, the PC will be deleted and all property, items, gold will be turned over to the team. Obviously, don't do this. We will compare .bics over time during the approval process, so you won't get away with it.

At Any Time, for any reason, the team may deny individual requests. While this will (hopefully) be done rarely, it may occur, but it would be for the betterment of CoPaP, as a whole.

Comments and suggestions are welcome, as always... though we may not act on them.