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by terror2001 » Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:38 pm
Changelings are an Avlis creation and therefore Avlis determines how they function as a race for CoPaP.
Jan 19, 2005 ... 1&start=15
dougnoel wrote:Chemical-Burn wrote:Do changlings that say change from elf to human sound the same? or do thier vocal cords change and therefore could not be identified by the voice?
The vocal chords would change. The
only ways to identify a changeling are to succeed at the spellcraft check or be told ICly by someone. For more information on being identified as a changeling, read the thread on
Detecting Changelings.
Update: 11/8/2010 ... 47&start=3
szabot wrote:A change in base race (e.g., Elf to Human) is required to change the identifying features of a changeling's voice. Changes in sub-race (e.g., Elf, Drangonari, Avariel, Sereg) or mere changes to head model or phenotype are insufficient to change the identifying features of a changeling's voice. This is an update to, or replaces, the rule posted by Dougnoel in 2004. This updated rule was decided upon after lengthy Team discussion of multiple relevant factors.
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by ForsakenPlague » Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:44 pm
A changelings may take any form except the following:
1.) Incorporeal undead (ghost, wraith, spectre, allip, etc.)
2.) Inanimate objects (chair, combat dummy, archery target, barrel, chest, box, etc.)
Anything else is fair game, including elementals, oozes, outsiders, constructs and corporeal undead.
Spellcasting that requires speech requires a form that you can speak with per these rules. Your weapons, armor and magic items become part of your form.
You cannot use projectile weapons when in a form without arms and opposable thumbs. Using a projectile weapon is always visible, even if your model does not show it. You are not a quill-shooting porcupine (which is a myth anyway).
Weapons used in non-humanoid forms are not visible, but any elemental damage effects are. This does not mean that you can be identified as a changeling, but it is odd. It would be perfectly reasonable to assume the friendly dog dripping acid from its jaws was carrying a disease or possessed and put the poor creature out of its misery.
Changelings can pick things up in non-humanoid forms by absorbing them into their forms, however if a person can see you they can see you absorbing the items, regardless of the direction of the camera and how stealthy you think you are. Again, they cannot identify you as a changeling, but they may decide you are a threat.
Scrolls, wands and magical staves may not be used in a form that cannot speak. If they are used, the item is visible. Potions, healing kits, traps and thieves tools cannot be used in a form without hands. Powers from other items including rods, any worn item, and weapons, may be activated at will in any form but are visible when being used.
It is not cheesy for a changleing to be lawful, any more than it is cheesy for a dwarf to be chaotic evil, an orc to be chaotic good, or a human to be something other than neutral.